Fun and strange to see Arabic on packaging. |
OK. So, I am quickly realizing that in regards to food here in Dubai, what you see on the menu or on the package is most likely, not what you are going to get. Encounter #1: The first night here in Dubai, we chose to eat at a restaurant called "Centro Citta". It is an Italian Restaurant (don't even ask why we chose to eat here). On the menu was a great looking picture of a pepperoni pizza. When I tried to order it, they said they didn't have it. Strange. So I ordered a chicken pizza (chicken is their main meat over here). Encounter #2: Because Big Buddy is having a hard time with all the new things here, we decided to find a burger joint for lunch. We came across a place called "Bobs Burgers", sounds quite American right...the pictures on the menu looked very American and very delicious. So burgers all around. Sorry, small tangent...Now, I love a good bacon cheese burger like the rest of you. So I ordered one. Now, I have learned the hard way that the people in the Middle East don't eat pork. They think that pigs are a dirty animal and they don't eat them. So instead, they have something called "Beef Bacon". I like beef and eat it all the time. So this should be good right? WRONG! Beef Bacon has a very unique taste like nothing I have ever had. I will try to describe it. It is very strong, with an aged burnt taste to it with a rotten cheese after taste. Boy, I am going to miss pork while I am over here! Now back to encounter #2. When our burgers arrived, they looked like nothing on the menu, same as the fries, LOL. Encounter #3: We ran across a gas station that had a bag of Doritoes chips. Once again a very American thing. All in all, although the chips originally taste very similar to our Doritos chips, they are still quite different. They don't look like the picture on the bag. ;)
So glad you are there safe and sound!
Thanks! I am really missing you! Things have really been crazy here, homeless and all. I hope things are good in the office. Can't wait to iChat with you.