Mohamed, Shaheen the camel and Big Buddy. |
With a wonderful nights sleep behind the three of us, we all woke early and eager to see what experiences awaited each of us.
Mr. Big met with Pete, Ryan, and Jannes who were doing a photo shoot of Pete's falcons flying with a remote controlled airplane. Pete has trained his falcons to fly to and follow the airplane. Amazing! Mr. Big will add a blog later with further details on how cool this was to see.
Here we are ready to set out on our adventure. |
As for Big Buddy and I, well, we had a 9a.m. camel ride awaiting us. A buggy took us to where Mr. Big was watching Pete and the gang. Just down the sandy hill, we saw Mohamed with Shaheen the camel (Shaheen is a girl). Big Buddy and I both were so excited. Us riding on a camel...come on! Mohamed had this step stool for Big Buddy to climb up on Shaheen's back. We found out that she wears the cute little face mask (no, it is not a burka for camels) so that she doesn't bite anyone. Camel's teeth are very sharp. A lot like a lions, we were told. Once we were both sitting on her back, we were told to hang on tight and lean way back. Yikes! When a camel tries to stand up from the laying position, she starts with her hind legs first and then her front. So you lean back as not to fall off the front of her. In no time we were up and Shaheen
View from on top of a camel. |
was ready to take us on our desert ride.
Mohamed and Shaheen took us over many desert sand hills to the furthest border of the reserve. Now, riding a camel is such a neat experience. Let's just say, that it is nothing like riding on a horse. First off, camels have two humps. We each got to sit on a hump (I guess this doesn't hurt them). Also, camels feet are very soft so that they can maneuver through the sand. The ride at first seems pretty bumpy and you find yourself really holding on to stay on her. Although, after awhile, you get used to the ride and it seems pretty smooth with a sort of rhythmic bumpy motion.
Shaheen, Big Buddy and I in the desert of the UAE. |
Shaheen did so well throughout the entire 1.5 hour ride. Several times she would look back with her giant eyeball and long eyelashes with the expression of, "When the hell are you going to get off of me!" But I knew she meant it with camel love in her heart ;) She truly was a good girl!
A desert oasis with a camel and camel hearder. |
After the first five minutes of the ride, Big Buddy was convinced that Shaheen was his camel. That Mohamed had given her to him and that he would be taking her home when we left. :) I sure wish Big Buddy! Wouldn't that be fun!
On our camel ride we saw so many things...first we saw a pack of gazelles. They are so cute and so small. Mohamed was so kind to point out all of the snake tracks that crossed our path. Turns out, that at night, the desert really comes alive! All the snakes, scorpions, hedgehogs, beetles, owls, and insects come out to play (thank you God, for making sure we did not sleep in a tent out in the desert!).
Shaheen was also quite photogenic. When ever Mohamed would take my camera, she would pause and bat her long lashes. :)
Dune driving/sliding down a big hill. |
At the end of our camel ride we rode past the desert oasis pond. On the way we saw
Arabian Oryx which are on the endangered species list. Very cool to see them roaming around free on this reserve. Let's just say, riding a camel was so amazing and we are still pinching ourselves in disbelief that we got to have such an amazing experience. Afterward, we were able to pet Shaheen, and reward her for being such a good girl. Her hair was so soft and she was surprisingly very clean.
Next, Mr. Big, Big Buddy and I were scheduled to go adventure riding in the sand dunes. The
Mr. Big in the front seat looking down the giant hill we
are about to slide down! |
very thought of doing something like this really scares the bajesus right out of me. I admit it...I am a woos when it comes to heights and dangerous sports, and even worse thinking about my three year old doing it! But, I put on my brave undies before we left the villa, so was up for adventure! The gentleman who had all three of our lives in his hands was really cool. His name has left me, but I remember that he was from South Africa and loved driving in the dunes! He was very knowledgeable and while we were driving to his favorite dunes, he gave us the low down on the area. Very interesting. I think it was his way of calming everyone down
Sand boarding...super fun! |
before he scared you half to death in the dunes!
Once at the dunes, with no warning, he would hit the gas and hall balls up sand dunes that were gigantic! Not only did this take my breath away, but I realized that all we had were our little seat belts and a roll bar (the roll bar didn't help me feel any better).
Mr. Big sat in the front seat and Big Buddy and I in the back. At first Big Buddy fell asleep if you can believe it! However, awoke after we hit a few really bumpy dunes that I was sure we were going to die on. The dude would get us to the top of the dune and then drive along the edge of it. Several times it felt like we were surely going
All of us happy to be alive! What an experience! |
to roll on down the side of the dune, however, this guy was such a great driver he would pull us out of danger right at the last second.
Because of the way the sun was positioned, he admitted that it was hard to tell if the sand was dipping or not which made me even feel more scared. In the picture above with Mr. Big in it, we are at the top of one of the big dunes pointing down the hill. I swear my butt cheeks were grabbing the seat on this ride down. Several times we were also caught off guard due to the sun and found ourselves riding down sideways about to tip and roll down the hill. After several times in the big dunes and
Jannas with his eagle. You can see the respect between them. |
seriously amounts of adrenaline, I started feeling very queesy. So the Dude, drove us over to some smaller dunes. At the smaller dunes, he drove to the top of one and pulled out some snowboards. Big Buddy, Mr. Big and I all got to sand board! Very fun and totally different then snowboarding. First off, the sand is very hot and really does just burn your feet to bits. Second, sand doesn't allow you to go very fast. Heehee. Big Buddy loved it! He got to ride down the hill twice! Afterwards, once we arrived back at the resort in one piece, we thanked the guy for taking good care of us! He really was super fantastic and kept all three of us safe! Thank You!
Beautiful falcons |
Next Big Buddy went to the Kids Club and Mr. Big and I were taken to the world famous "Rain Walk" at the on-site spa. This was perfect and amazing! So relaxing, hydrotherapy was a real treat after the sand dunes. The Rainforest offers ten unique hydrothermal therapy experiences for guests to embark on a trail of wellness treats. Creating a rainforest effect within The Rainforest trail, the sophisticated hydrothermal circuit is set against a backdrop of earthy tones for an experiential journey through the Rain Walk, Steam, Shower, Rasul, Bucket Drench Shower, Swiss Shower, Sauna, Ice Fountain, Sole Therapy and Vitality Pool. All I can say is "Fantastic"!
While we were away, Big Buddy had the time of his life at the Kids Club. He made me a super cute bracelet and also painted a cup! Afterward, they drove him around the resort in the buggy! He felt like King Buddy after this!
Next, we met Jannas at the were they keep all of their birds of prey. We all found this very interesting and had no idea what was in-store for us later during the big falconry show! We were introduced to each of the falcons, hawks, owls, kestrel, and eagle. What beautiful birds. Here are several snapshots of the different types of falcons that we saw. Each were sitting on their perches in an open room with short wall dividers. They were all very behaved and not afraid of us at all. Mine and Big Buddy's favorite was "Google" the owl. He was raised from a baby in a shoe box next to Jannas's bed. A very beautiful bird!
Google the owl |
Our other favorite was "Pip Squeak" the smallest falcon. He is a kestrel. Every time we would walk up to him, he would spread his wings and show off for us. He also got the best of us a couple of times and would just fly right toward us. Thank goodness he had a little leg cord attached to his perch. So tiny, so cute!
Right before the show started, there were only seven of us. Jannas took us inside the outdoor cage that contained "Yahoo" Pete's owl. He let us each put on the glove and then Yahoo would fly to you and perch on your arm. Wow! Big Buddy and I totally loved this! We actually got to hold an owl! Shut Up! That was so amazing!
Pip Squeek the Kestrel
Something that neither I nor Big Buddy will ever forget! Thanks Jannas!
During our owl adventure, we learned that owls have different noises to let you know if they are happy or not. When an owl is not happy, he will click a loud click at you. This is your warning before you get your butt kicked! We got to hear this clicking sound and it was super amazing! We also learned that during the day, the two owls are very friendly and lovey. However, at night, their hunting instincts come out and they turn into a different bird. They are a very dangerous predator!
Big Buddy and Jannas holding Yahoo the owl. The smile on
Big Buddy's face is huge! |
After we held Yahoo, we proceeded to the falconry show! Jannas put on the show for us. We had no idea that we were going to be apart of it! When we got there, it was an open pavillion with seats and a cover from the sun. Jannas stood in the open area in front and introduced his falcon and also his Harris Hawk. Then he gave each of us a glove and told us that his hawk would fly to each of us! Are you serious! Wow! Mr. Big, Big Buddy and I all got to hold a Harris Hawk! To think that this bird was actually sitting on our arm and if wanted to could totally bite off our ear...was totally amazing! Each time it would fly to Big Buddy,
Mr. Big looking awesome in the evening light holding a
Harris Hawk. |
the feathers on his wing would hit Big Buddy in face, and he would laugh.
Here are a few pictures of us holding the Harris Hawk. Because Big Buddy's arm was not strong enough to hold it on his own, I stuck my hand in the glove also to help.
As the sun was setting and there was a beautiful sunset, it is still hard to believe that we were able to have such a fantastic experience! Big Buddy was so brave and so still as he held the Hawk. It was like he was in awe of the creature (makes me wonder if one day he will be interested in falconry...hugh).
Big Buddy and I holding the Harris Hawk. |
I too seem to have a certain affinity towards birds. I want to thank my dad for that since we had several parrots while I was growing up. The only thing is, for some odd reason I am entirely enamored by birds of prey. I have a huge respect for their abilities and their beauty. Ok. I am now on the verge of crying while writing about this experience. Thank You Jannas, once again for giving us this experience of a lifetime. There are not enough words to express my gratitude!
Me holding the Harris Hawk. Amazing! |
We wrapped up the evening with Jannas flying his falcon, hawk and then his golden eagle. Now, in the picture above, you can see just how huge an eagle really is. Because he is still in the process of training her, we were told to hold still and watch as he flew her a few times. I have to admit I was a bit nervous for Big Buddy. I didn't want the eagle to think he would make a nice evening snack. We all sat very still and watched as the eagle flew and would come back to Jannas. I was able to snap a few very beautiful snapshots of Jannas and his eagle in the setting sun.
After a day like this, you wonder what the next day will bring! I want to thank everyone for helping make this happen, especially, my darling husband Mr. Big! You are the best husband and
I just love this photo! |
dad ever! Big Buddy and I are so lucky to have you!
Jannas with his eagle. |
Jannas with his eagle wearing her hood. |