A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Friday, December 31, 2010


Spider-man giving Mr. Big a super squeeze!

Spider-man patrolling the playground.
View from the playground at our apartment.
Big Buddy has turned into Spider-man! Since Christmas when he got this Spider-man costume, he likes to sneak it on and then wears it everywhere. I have given up on making him take it off, for two reasons...first, I have found that it is really easy to spot my three year old if he runs ahead and there are a lot of people. Second, he loves the attention. He gets all sorts of smiles from children to adults. Everyone likes to call out to Spider-man and give him a high-five or shake his hand. You can see how special it makes Big Buddy feel to be recognized by everyone. ;) I figure, let him live it up. As soon as we get home, I doubt he will get the same response from people, but it will be interesting to see.

I just love the muscles on his little chest! Lots of teen girls love it too and frequently will walk up to him to touch the muscles. Big Buddy is not shy. Mr. Big figures that this is helping him get used to girl attention for when he gets older. ;)

Here is a photo of Spider-man keeping the playground safe for all the kids! He is on patrol!

Here is a view from the playground. Very pretty! Temperature is low 80's now during the day. We are still wearing shorts with short sleeve shirts and no jackets. I fear that it is going to take our breath away when we travel home in the next couple of weeks to snow and below zero temperatures!

I love my cute little Spider-man!

Spider-man posing next to a giant vase.

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