Someone was still asleep on Christmas morning! |
Since someone kept this poor little boy up till about 1 a.m. in the morning on Christmas...Big Buddy had to be woken up at 9:30 a.m. to see what Santa had brought him. :)
Surprise! Santa brought Big Buddy a wooden train set! Whenever I take Big Buddy to the mall, he wants to go and play with this very train set at one of the stores. He was so happy to see that Santa didn't in fact leave him a lump of coal, but brought him the train set that he loves to play with! (I just realized that Big Buddy is wearing his Halloween pajamas. His Christmas
Look what Santa brought me! A train set! |
ones were left in America since we were not planning on being in the Middle East for Christmas). That said, I packed absolutely nothing for Christmas and so we had to
Big Buddy helping Daddy open up his presents! |
improvise big time!
Because Mr. Big had to work on Christmas, what a bummer, Big Buddy helped him open up his presents also!
There was pretty much a theme going on this Christmas and it was Spiderman. For some odd reason, Big Buddy has grabbed on to Spiderman and just loves him. As you can see he really liked his new Spidey t-shirt. However, when he opened up the Spiderman costume...you would of thought he had won the lottery! He was so excited! We had to literally drop everything and help him get it on (lets just say, that you will be seeing many photos of Spidey throughout the next several blogs since this is Big Buddy's outfit of choice now. ;)
Mr. Big received several new shirts and I a super cool pug purse along with some new perfume!
We were all really sad when Mr. Big had to leave to go to work. He had a very important meeting with one of the Sheikh's. Since he was gone the rest of the day and we were left to eat Christmas dinner alone, Big Buddy and I decided that we would go and eat mushroom fettuccine alfredo together and then splurge on a fun desert! A nice way to wrap up a nice holiday if I do say so myself!
We sure missed all of our friends and family this holiday season. I bet next year I will go crazy with Christmas since it will have felt like I have missed
out on all the festivities and traditions for two whole years. ;)
Merry Christmas! We love you all!
Look at my new Spidey t-shirt! |
Me with my new pug purse! Super cute! Thanks Big Buddy! |
Someone is proud to be looking like Spiderman! |
Spiderman holding a mini Spiderman! |
Big Buddy with his Christmas loot. |
Big Buddy and I eating Christmas dinner together. |
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