A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Saturday, November 6, 2010

No Longer Homeless!

The Palm Jumeirah is a man-made island.
The Shoreline Apartments are our new home.
I really do think that God loves me. After all of the phone calls that Mr. Big made and after running around looking at different apartments, we finally have a place to call home! Late Thursday night we moved into "The Palm Jumeirah". We were able to score a one bedroom apartment in one of the five star luxury resorts here in Dubai. The coolest thing is that we are actually living on the Eighth Wonder of the World! Shut Up! Our actual apartment is located on The Palms trunk in the Shoreline Apartments. As you can see, the beach is just right out the back door! Thank You God!

View from back window of the train rail and adjacent resort.
It feels so great to have our suitcases unpacked and to have my computer set up. Yes, we actually shipped my home computer over here so I could work. It made it in one piece and is working great! I really did miss the internet and emails like no other. Thought my arms had been cut off. LOL! On Friday, it felt really great to work. Because of the 10  hour time difference, it puts me working at night. I am finding this quite relaxing actually...however, now that I think about it...probably won't help me with my sleeping habits! :)

On Friday, we hit our first grocery store. Interesting experience. Most people only grab a few odds and ends, so it looked quite funny for us to actually spend 368 Dirham (or 100 U.S. dollars) on food. Of course the packaging all looks quite different, but we were able to find the staples of what we needed. Eggs, bread, fruit, veggies, yogurt, water, peanut butter and milk. Oh, I thought it was interesting that each and every egg over here has a born on and expiration date stamped right on it.

I love the quaint feel of this little grocery store.
Car seat update! We were finally able to find us a car seat. Yippee! Now we feel that Big Buddy is safer in the car while we are dogging all the Ferrari's, Porsches, and all other luxury sports cars. ;) Also, now when he falls asleep in the car, he will have a place to rest his poor little head instead of kinking his neck.

I don't know why I find this interesting...I just do.

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