A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Monday, December 20, 2010

Big Buddy in a Giant Bubble!

Big Buddy being pushed out into the lake.
One day as we were walking to the mall, we saw these bubbles of air that kids could get into and try to walk around the lake. Big Buddy FREAKED! He wanted to get in one so bad! We talked him out of it several times, because they seemed a bit strange. See, the balls are airtight so that water doesn't get in. So they have to pump in oxygen to fill them up, realizing that someone in the ball can only breath for I guess about 30 minutes before running out of oxygen. Plus, the sign said you had to be at least 4 years old to get into one of the balls.

Well, on one of the many days that Mr. Big was away working, Big Buddy and I decided to go
Here Big Buddy and a couple of other kids are trying to figure
out how to stand in the balls.
and see what we could see. We ended up walking next to these water balls again and Big Buddy looked up at me and said, "We should try new things Mommy." I said, "why yes we should Big Buddy". He then said, "well, Mommy...I have decided that I want to try these water balls". So I thought to myself, what the heck. What is the worst that could happen. So we got in line. Big Buddy was the first kid to get into a water ball (it seemed that there were alot of apprehensive parents, but when they saw Big Buddy going, they let their kids go also. :)

As in the first video, Big Buddy climbs into the deflated ball and then they zip it up and pump in
Floating along with the flag of the UAE.
the oxygen (I thought this would scare him, but not). They did tell Big Buddy that if water starts to leak into the ball, he is to wave his arms and hands to let them know there is a problem.

The guy let Big Buddy play up by the shore for a few minutes, but then he pushed him out into the lake further. Big Buddy saw himself floating away from everyone and he began to frantically wave his arms for help. The funny thing is that there is a tether on each ball so they cannot get far. The guy had to pull him in a little bit and tell him all was OK. Then Big Buddy had a blast. As you can see, it is super hard to stand up in these water balls. All the kids are sitting or
Here all the kids look sort of like gerbils in plastic balls.
either laying down because they have just fell down. LOL! Super Funny! In the pictures you can see there are a couple of Arab girls also floating in the balls. One of them was crying because they were also a bit scared.

The whole thing lasts about 10 minutes. The cost is AED 50 which turns out to be about $14. Thinking about it, Big Buddy did have a blast and I am really glad I let him go! We took these videos and pictures to show Mr. Big when he got home.


  1. "We should try new things, Mommy"?!?! That is priceless!! He is hilarious. I'm glad you let him go in the bubble. Did you try? Maybe we could start a business when you get home and offer these in the great Salt Lake:)

  2. I totally agree! I didn't dare try it myself, however, these guys are raking in the money!
