A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lunch at Shaiba's (blog by Mr. Big)

Yummy! Where is mommy? :(
Our trip down to visit my friend Shaiba.

Here we sit in a traditional Arab "Magilis", a U shaped area with low couches around 3 sides.  This magilis also contains a large table for visitors (from the West) to enjoy meals (traditional Arab style is to sit around the meal, on the floor, eating with the right hand).  For us, table with plates, forks and knives.  Notice the stuffed Houbara Bustard (like a small wild turkey that is a favorite game bird amongst falconers in the Middle East), located in the far back corner.

Big Buddy watching the falcons
We are enjoying typical Arab fare, lamb with rice, baked chicken, salad, noodle dish, baked whole fish, and a plate of dates for desert.  Big Buddy brought his own apple.

Big Buddy enjoyed trying some of the dishes, but refused some of the more exotic.  Enough food for 10 people, we barely made a dent.  This is typical of a meal, huge quantities, eaten first by family and friends, then the left overs go to the house's

After the lunch buffet, we went out to Al Salarmi (about 20 kilos south east from Abu Dhabi to watch falcons being trained.  Here Shaiba (far dune) gets ready to call in his falcons (one at a time) using a Telwa (lure).  Falcons are driven about 1 kilometer away and released by one of the helpers, they then fly to the lure trying to catch it with their talons.  A nice meaty quail is there reward for a successful flight.  Even if they preform poorly, you always need to end the training section on a positive note, so even the falcon that skipped the lure, and flew away, still gets a small meal to conclude his training.

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