A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Monday, December 20, 2010

Six days till Christmas!

So Big Buddy and I went to the mall again to find some gifts for daddy. It turned out to be a really fun day. The mall is playing Christmas music now! That always helps with the Christmas spirit. After many stores, Big Buddy was being so good. We were in our last store, The New Yorker, which had been playing lots of really hip music like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, etc...when all of a sudden, while we were at the checkout to buy a couple of shirts, this Michael Jackson song came on. I immediately thought about my sister who loves Michael Jackson.

In a small daze, I immediately realized that a African American man had grabbed a dress jacket and a hat and began dancing to the song as if he were Michael Jackson himself! Shut Up! Was this really happening! I fumbled for my camera and began filming.

Big Buddy was so shocked that he just clung to my leg and watched as everyone started to clap to the beat and cheer this guy on. I have to admit that the guy was really pretty good!

I decided to post the part of the dance that I was able to catch on video. At the end, everyone hooted and hollered for the guy! What a great surprise! Poor Big Buddy, was so overtaken with all the excitement, he screamed bloody murder afterwards! LOL. It was pretty funny.