A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Day Before Christmas...and to our surprise!

Even a gingerbread house can amaze four gentlemen
from Pakistan.
As Big Buddy and I were running...literally, through the mall to find the last couple of gifts, we ran into this giant gingerbread house! The funniest thing of course were these four gentleman that were standing there starring at it for way to long!

The largest gingerbread house we have ever seen!
I was completely amazed at the grandure of this edible house. When I got really close, I was able to see the sign right in front that said, "AED 3500". This means that you could actually purchase this gingerbread house for only $975.00. Wow!

Christmas Eve, Mr. Big, Big Buddy, and I all decided that we would celebrate by eating at our favorite restaurant called Gazebo. It is a fantastic and very fresh Indian restaurant. Every time we have gone in there to eat, we have been the only non-Indians there. LOL!

We couldn't believe it was for sale! I actually considered
buying it until I did the calculation. $975.
We really love the food and atmosphere of this fine establishment! The staff is always super friendly and they just love Big Buddy! We tried to sneak a few shots without making too many people angry.

I have to admit that it seemed very strange to me to be eating out on Christmas Eve, and Indian food at that. After missing out on Thanksgiving, I am really missing turkey and ham. :(

We gave Big Buddy the camera to take a few shots because we figured that people would not get mad at a baby. He took a shot of the staff. Now if you look closely, behind the glass is another guy who is smiling really big (we just love this picture!)

And since there has been nothing traditional about the holidays for us this year, we figured we would top it off with going to see the new TRON movie. With tickets to see the 10:30p.m.
Big Buddy and I eating at Gazebo our fav Indian Restaurant.
show, we took Big Buddy's blanket thinking he would most likely just fall asleep. If you can believe it, he stayed awake for all but the last 8 minutes! Amazing!

Here are a few pictures of the movie theater here in Dubai. Very cool and high tech! I just love that there are concessions everywhere so that there is not super long lines.

While waiting, Big Buddy and Mr. Big found these movie posters and couldn't help posing next to them. Gotta love it!

Yum. The food is simply amazing! Chow down!
Tron the Movie was fantastic! Rated only G, which is amazing these days...we have to admit that all three of us want to see the movie again, because it is just that cool! I would recommend watching the first TRON movie first, since there are several little elements you wont pick up on if you don't. Our family gives this movie two thumbs up in a circle!

After the movie and getting Big Buddy to bed, let's just say it took us till 2:30am to finish helping Santa put together the toy he left him. Heehee!

The staff at Gazebo posing for Big Buddy. ;)

Cinema theater in Dubai. I love all the cool graphics!

In this picture, I cannot tell which one is Mr. Big and
which one is Rango?
Big Buddy leaning his head on Rango!
Our family on Christmas Eve, enjoying Tron the movie!

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